in alphabetical order
Dóra Géber - German Teacher Dora graduated from ELTE in 2012 where she received MAs in German as a foreign language and Hungarian as a foreign language. During her studies she specialized in contrastive linguistics and translation theory. She is interested in multilingualism, Austrianisms „Austriazismen”, teaching German to the Swabian German minority in Hungary, Swabian culture and dance. She finds it a great challenge to teach foreign languages in a multicultural environment. She also teaches Hungarian as a foreign language at the Balassi Institute. Dora can be contacted at |
Dr. Emőke Jámbor - Spanish and Hungarian teacher Emőke graduated from ELTE in Spanish (1993) and Hungarian as a Foreign Language (2020). She taught Spanish Language at the Corvinus University (1993). She has been working as a teacher as Spanish (2005) and as Hungarian as a Foreigner Language (2020) and as head of Department of Neo-latin Languages at the Polytechnic and Economics University of Budapest. She taught Hungarian language at the Institut Cervantes of Budapest (2021). Currently she teaches Hungarian language and culture at the University of Barcelona (2022). He has a doctorate in applied linguistics (2005), his research topic is cultural elements in Spanish textbooks. Emőke can be contacted at |
Krisztina Kovacs - German Teacher Krisztina graduated from the University of Debrecen where she received an MA in German Language and Literature with Teacher Education. She studied at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University in Greifswald, as a DAAD scholarship holder at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen and at the Humboldt University in Berlin. She worked as a lecturer at the PPKE and at the University of Debrecen and, in addition to German as a foreign language, taught courses in the fields of literature, translation and cultural studies. She taught German as a Foreign Language as a freelance German teacher for the Goethe-Institut Budapest, Vienna and Munich. Krisztina can be contacted at András can be contacted at |
Erzsébet Magyar - French Teacher Erzsebet studied in Brussels and Budapest (MAs in History and French Language and Literature). She also received her MA in Central European History at CEU and her PhD in Cultural History at ELTE (Budapest). Her interests cover a wide range of topics: Foreign Language Acquisition, French Literature and Cultural Studies, Central European History, European Cultural History, Urban History. She has worked for CEU since 1998 and she really enjoys her job. Erzsi can be contacted at |
Sarolta Németh - German Teacher
Csilla Váradi - German Teacher Csilla can be contacted at |