That is Poetry - A Reading Group at CEU

“If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.” (Emily Dickinson)

Would you like to spend some quality time with poems? Would you like to read poetry that unsettles, provokes, questions, opens up the senses, makes you feel more alive and more in touch with being human?



A Reading Group at CEU

 started on Tuesday 24 January 2023 5.30pm

and it meets bi-weekly. You can still join in if there are spaces available.

If you would like to join the group please write to


In this group we will take the slow approach to poetry, spending as much time as we need to discover an individual poem’s social, political or personal message. Centered around a theme there will be a collection of contemporary and modern poems to read in advance of every meeting.


The close readings will be guided by Borbála Faragó from the Center for Academic Writing, whose academic research is in poetry criticism.

to sign up please contact Borcsa at  or drop in C102/B